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Monday, February 14, 2011

Where Is The Love?

Happy February 14 y'all.  If you don't have anyone to share the day with, surf on over and enjoy free hugs in video form from the homeless grinder.

The world's torrid affair with poker continues largely unabated.  People love to play poker online.  Despite various governmental efforts to ban it, domesticate it or regulate it, poker on the internet continues to flourish.  And it's all for good reason:  Internet poker is that steady date that never asks you for money (unless you blow your roll).  It never nags you (unless it's your turn to act).  It doesn't expect flowers or candy.  You can even choose your level of commitment -- you can play for real money or you can play free poker.  Basically, internet poker is the perfect mate.

Just kidding.  

Really.  Kidding.  You don't need to spend the rest of your life in your mom's basement trying to become one with your iMac.  Go outside once in a while.  Poker will still be there when you get back.


I know this subject comes up every time there is a holiday:  There is a "holiday" for everything.  Not only is February 14 known as Valentine's Day, it's also Library Lovers Day, Ferris Wheel Day and the first day of Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness Week.

Today, I wondered if there was a "nationally recognized" poker holiday.  Or even an international one.

To the Googles!

Okay, so I ran out of motivation before I encountered great success.  I still don't know if there's an International Poker Player Day.  Or Women in Poker Week.  If you happen to know, clue me in.

Until that happens, I think there should be a poker holiday.  I'd like to see it be the day of the November Nine.  Give the whole world the day off so we can all huddle around our computer screens watching the moves of total luckboxes as they vie for millions of dollars.  Add in some pizza rolls and I think you've got instant tradition.

Or maybe this is just me going on about nothing.  That's happened before too.


In keeping with the love theme, I'm not feeling the love on the tables.  About all the love I've felt lately is on the very rare occasions when someone bites on an overbet for value.  

If you haven't overbet for value (h/t Fuel55) lately, remember to do it from time to time.  You'll get a warm fuzzy feeling when your poor victim calls your bet of 2x, 3x, heck 100 times the size of the pot.  


Can you believe that we're only a couple short months away from a whole new World Series of Poker?  Yeah, me neither.  I'm not loving my chances of playing (ever), but it still provides a bit of a thrill when results start coming in. 

Anyhow, time to "celebrate" the holiday by donking it up.  Until next time, I overbet for value.