Thursday, January 14, 2010

Most Of These Are More Like Notes To Self

Very good session last night. I still have a ways to go to recover from the many buyin downswing I've been on but at least I had one good stretch. I think the really encouraging part was that I was up even excluding the one time I got someone to bite on an overbet for value.

Man do I ever love the overbet for value. Guy donkbets 1 on the flop, I float. I hit an ace on the turn for TPMK and donkbet 2, opponent just calls. I fill the nut flush on the river, push and get an insta snapcall for the rest of the guy's 100. Joy. I never get tired of that. I forgot to check the hand histories to see what he had, might have to do that tonight.

I do note that I'm running way below expectation on flips. I've been losing far more than my share of AK versus small or mid pocket pair confrontations (regardless of which side I'm on). It would greatly help my results if I could win a couple more of those -- especially since they're inevitable due to the infestation of shortstackers.


There have been any number of threads on 2+2 about shortstackers and I recall a FTP rep commented that they play to do "something" in early 2010. I'll be very interested to see what, if any, changes they make. If I'm guessing, I think they might bump the minimum buyin from 20BB to 30BB - which won't change much. Really, I don't know how much I care - I do find it annoying when I end up at a table with 6 or 7 shortstackers but there's nothing stopping me from leaving - but the topic sure has some people riled up.


I timed the start up of my computer yesterday. It took 32 minutes from the time I pressed the power button to the time I could click to open a table on Full Tilt. I'm going to mess around with some of the stuff that Ken linked me to this weekend - it would be a really wonderful thing if I could get that down under 15 minutes.