Sunday, March 02, 2008


Yes, it has occurred to me that my tone has been pretty negative lately. I have resolved to be more positive in my outlook.

This positively sucks. How's that?

Oh, wait, while typing this I just got positively hosed yet again, bounced from a satellite with KK against JJ, all in preflop. Dumbass limp-reraised with JJ and got rewarded on the river. Of fucking course.

Positively standard.

One satellite running yet before I shut it down for the morning. I'm taking action on how this one will go down. 33 left, 6 spots pay - I'm thinking I'll go out about 11th with AA vs. 84 offsuit.

So, anyway, like I was saying, I'm going to be more positive about things. I'm positively excited about the BBT3, even though I will probably flail about miserably. I really have no idea why I'm excited. Maybe it's just a history of occasional success in blonkaments. I shouldn't play. I'm dead money. And yet I feel compelled to, instead of cashing out whatever funds I have left after a month of rectal pillaging.

So I'm going to have fun with the dregs of the "bankroll". Instead of dwelling on the negative, I give you ... my personal COUNTDOWN TO BUSTO!

It's passe in my opinion to post this kind of countdown in dollars, so I'm going with BBT3 events till busto. Thank goodness I won about $3 playing cash today or I would have been short for that twenty-third event.

Since I can't seem to win a Tier II token for the life of me, I will probably buy in directly tonight. See you there for the Big Game, unless I get home too late or just don't feel like playing.

It's positively sad that the highlight of the weekend so far has been bouncing the defending champion of Saturdays With Dr. Pauly in the Gigli position.