CONTACT: resipsapoker at hotmail dot communism is a failed system

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

So What Are You Going To Do ...

with all of the additional free time you'll have when it no longer makes sense (or is possible) to play internet poker?

I'll certainly be getting more done around the house, but have no idea what else. Time for a new hobby, I guess. It would be nice if it involved profit potential like this one has. Anyone gamble on Scrabble?

Last night's tournament efforts kind of petered out. I bombed out of the various Titan tourneys and cashed out what I had left -- good thing, because someone posted an email from them on 2+2 a few minutes ago saying they're cutting off U.S. players. Boo. Titan was like having a personal ATM. Worst PLO players ever.

After that, I checked out some of my other accounts and found I had some pocket change left -- $4.50 or so on Party, $3.44 on Paradise. Took it to (play money) blackjack and .... BUSTO!

Internet gambling is for suckas.

So is playing the Mookie. Donked it up and finished in the middle of the pack. Fun as always though.

Same deal for chatting. If I was a bit overly obnoxious, I apologize.

Anyway, not much left online at the moment. A few bucks at Full Tilt, a few at Stars. I'll probably play some for a while -- we'll see how long it takes the president to sign this thing -- and re-evaluate later. I'm not overly worried about immediate prosecutions -- if the government wants to make an example out of someone, I doubt that it's going to be Joe $1/$2 Poker Blogger.

This post needs more pictures.